Making the FOG Clear
Having a flat over garages in different ownerships gives rise to a separating floor that should, by definition, meet Requirement E1 of the Building Regulations.
However, Approved Document E (Part E) does not give specific guidance in relation to garages, so your building control body (BCB) will need to confirm the requirements but, in principle, you could consider using robustdetails® to demonstrate compliance.
If you choose this route, then you must remember that all the usual rules apply: so the flanking constructions need to be appropriate; and the floor needs to be complete.
Check the junctions shown in the Handbook to ensure the chosen floor has a compatible external wall inner leaf (complete with finishes above and below the floor); and ensure it is also compatible with any separating walls by viewing the tables on the Robust Details website.
It may also be worth referencing the TopTip on ‘Private Stairs’, to check the required detailing in that area.
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