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Technical Briefings

With coronavirus restrictions being lifted we are once again starting our 'Breakfast Briefings' across the country. First off will be a trip to Exeter in May. News on other dates shall follow shortly.

These will be purely technical briefings, focusing on the significance of flanking paths and the importance of constructing to the right specifications in order to minimise flanking transmission. We will discuss:

  1. Foundations
    It’s critical to the performance of the separating walls that they are constructed off the right type of foundation. We’ll look at the more common forms of foundation, and how they match in with the robustdetails® requirements; and also see the role that sub-structures have to play in providing that “good sound footing”
  2. Walls
    As well as at foundation, separating walls have flanking junctions at the external envelope of the building, so we’ll give examples of how these should be formed. Sound can also flank through a separating wall, and knowing how and where this can happen will help in mitigating the potential risk.
  3. Floors
    One of the major factors influencing the performance of floors is their interaction with walls. This can be at junctions with the separating walls, external or partition walls. Each of these can represent a flanking risk if not built and treated correctly. We’ll also cover the use of steel supports, and clarify where they can be used in conjunction with the Robust Details.


Invitations will be sent via email near to the time, but if you would like to book a place at one of the listed events please email Tracey Lewis at:


John Thompson
CEO, Robust Details Ltd

Colin Potter
Technical & Development

Dates for the diary:

11th May in Exeter

Further dates and venues TBC


* indicates the area of the United Kingdom the briefing will be held. As soon as venues are confirmed, this page will be updated accordingly.