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Meeting the three key requirements of the robustdetails® scheme avoids the need for pre-completion testing

1. Plots must be correctly registered

  We will issue:
  • A Purchase Statement listing the registered plots
  • Checklists for each Robust Detail type selected
  • Compliance Certificates for each plot registered
  • An Invoice and covering letter

2. The building control body should be notified before work starts on site


You should forward a copy of the Purchase Statement to building control to notify registration before work commences on site. Started work? - as long as building control confirm their agreement, we can accept 'late' registrations.


3. Construction must be in accordance with the Robust Details Handbook


The Compliance Certificates show that you have followed the details and completed the checklists. Building control may wish to see these, but apart from this, there is nothing else that you need to do on building completion, as far as Part E Robust Details are concerned.